Measure the engagement of your website visitors, using HubXe.

On average, 60-90% of paid traffic might be bounced traffic. HubXe can help you understand all those bounced visitors by measuring visitor actions.

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See engagement rate

For each channel, campaign, goal, product, sale, and more.

Match content

Find the right content for the right audience.

Insight into a bounced traffic
with HubXe.

HubXe measures the engagement rate for your website traffic, each page, or goal.
What is even more critical is that it measures the engagement of bounced traffic (visitors with a single view).

Read more about tracking web visitor engagement

Boost your ROI through the roof withHubXe.

With HubXe, you can find the perfect content for the ideal audience.

Understand bounced traffic

Bounced traffic doesn't mean that the user has just instantly left; they might bounce from your content.

See engagement for everything

We measure engagement for channels, campaigns, goals, conversions, sales, products, and more.

Improve ROI

Increase your return on investment by matching content in a better way with your audience.

Improve conversions

You can also increase the conversion rate if you know what your audience likes.

Improve sales

Create a perfect landing page that will generate more sales.

Improve SEO

Bounced traffic is a significant metric for SEO; now, you can see why users are exiting your website.

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